Sindh government spokesman Barrister Murtaza Wahab on Saturday that at least 253 children have been diagnosed with coronavirus in Sindh, while the number of coronavirus cases among women has started to increase till 26% of total patients. In a video message, he said that the purpose of stating the statistics was that the coronavirus has now hit our homes because we are not taking precautionary measures, causing children and women to become infected with the virus. MurtazaWahab said that last two months have been very difficult and due to the cooperation of the people, the government of Sindh has been very successful in its endeavors. Barrister Murtaza Wahab appealed to the masses to adopt precautionary measures, maintain social distancing to avoid carrying the virus to homes. Moreover, former spokesperson of the Punjab chief minister DrShahbaz Gill on Thursday accused the Sindh government of pushing its narrative through provincial healthcare workers. The accusation came after a group of doctors made a public plea for enforcement of stricter lockdown measures to reduce coronavirus cases on Wednesday. Gill claimed that the doctors had held their press conference on the behest of the PPP, which is the ruling party in Sindh