An air of apprehension is impacting the minds of the peoples of the world that President Donald Trump when formally back to his office would wind up the current US immigration policy to utmost restrictions as he has been announcing publicly this intention intermittently; maybe, but an advance view does not support this thesis: immigrants are not the requirement of the US government which is popularly named in US par-lance as administration; immigrants are the basic, a day to day working service need of the US citizens who want workers for jobs which the Americans abhor to do by themselves.
Without immigrants’ services, tight legal or loose legal or free legal, the economy of the US citizenry can hit highly damaging halt which no saner American can afford. Therefore my non-statistical conclusion is that current US immigration policy won’t shrink to US national citizenry’s detriment.
All-embracing analysis proves that the immigrants play a vital role in the US national and international economy, filling labour gaps in essential industries. Despite this bold apparent benefit the US immigration policy has been a topic of debate, noticeably during President Donald Trump’s administration. The debate could not taper to any severity or restriction as immigrants are a crucial manual or mechanical working helping force for the daily functioning of the US economy.
In fact, a deeper depth of the matter suggests that immigration has nu-merous economic benefits: contributing to economic growth, filling la-bour shortages and increasing tax revenues.
This benefit portfolio is ad-mitted by the American Immigration Council emphasizing that immi-grants help address labour shortages in critical sectors such as healthcare, education and agriculture.
Key benefits of immigration can be counted as: 1. Economic Growth: Immigration contributes to economic expansion by increasing the work-force and consumer demands; 2. Labour shortage solution: Immigrants fill essential labour and wages gaps, particularly in industries with low unemployment rates; 3. Tax contributions: Immigrants pay taxes, con-tributing to the overall revenue of the US government which no other source can suffice; 4. Cultural diversity: Immigration brings diverse per-spectives, skills, expertise and ideas, enriching American society and economy.
Considering these bold advantages, it is unlikely that the US immigra-tion policy under the refurbished administration of President Donald Trump would be rushed to the point of harming the national/international economy of the USA.
Instead, policymakers may focus on creating a more efficient, prompt diversified humane system, addressing issues like asylum processing backlogs, promoting, strengthening legal immigration pathways. By recognizing the value of immigration, the US can continue to thrive as the top global leader, welcoming individuals, experts, trained hands who contribute to its economic and cultural expansion, wealth and pros-perity.
—The writer is a senior journalist, based in Rawalpindi.