Sikandar Noorani
HABIT of verbosity and careless talk is so deeply engraved in domestic political culture that speaking sense can be declared a rare quality nowadays. Interestingly, TV talk shows have substituted dramas during prime evening time and a new term of Infotainment emerged out of this trend. No rocket science is needed to comprehend that what actually compelled the viewers to switch their screens from commercial dramas to talk shows. It is actually the fiery talk, scandalous nature of content and verbal quarrelling between the rival participants which create attraction for the viewers in so-called current affairs talk shows. Gradual overtaking of commercial entertainment space by infotainment is entirely attributable to attractive but highly immature and cheap quality of end product.
Though, exceptions are there who produce well researched quality stuff but majority is busy in cut throat rating competition which can only be won at the cost of journalistic ethics and morality. A TV channel’s desire for top rating and urge of a politician to gain quick popularity provides fertile ground for rapid growth of Infotainment sector. TV channels prefer firebrand participants over well qualified serious minded guests. Logic driven sensible argument moves a channel down at the rating board. Contrary to this, an unwise but spicy talk usually earns good rating which surely comes at the cost of sanity and decency. Besides verbosity, another cheap trend of pushing baseless allegations against the opponents has taken deep roots in society. Political parties’ spokespersons take a toll of opponents on a daily basis through serious allegations.
Unfortunately, neither the proofs are presented nor someone anchoring the show demands the same for the purpose of authenticity or verification. Respondents prefer to level counter allegations in same fashion without any proofs. In this non-stop game of verbosity and rumour based allegations, our worthy leaders and office bearers badly cross the red lines in total discord to the basic requirements of their stature and appointment. Recent episode of Aviation Minister’s unwise talk on the issue of pilots’ licensing may serve as a case study to measure the negative impact of this undesired tendency on our socio-political dynamics. In the midst of crises and economic deterioration, ill-timed pointing out of pilot’s qualification credentials badly damaged the credibility of national airline all across the world. This all has happened at a time when PIA is facing the worst economic effects of pandemic based prolonged closure. As a result of Aviation Minister’s unnecessary remarks EU has imposed a ban on PIA flights for the next six months.
It is not only PIA facing global restrictions rather majority of Pakistani pilots serving in various international commercial airlines have come under extra scrutiny. As per media reports, Malaysia and Vietnam have grounded Pakistani pilots serving in their airlines since long. Alarming remarks of a Federal Minister uttered at the floor of Parliament have been received with extreme seriousness by international aviation industry. World really don’t have any idea about our culture of verbosity and baseless allegations. Now, it is very difficult for Pakistan to make the world understand that our Aviation Minister talked at the floor of Parliament without any proof, research and minimum essential information. In non-understandable hurry for disclosing PIA plane crash investigation report, surprisingly Aviation Minister firstly accused pilot crew for irresponsible conduct prior to accident and later divulged about fake licenses of about 289 pilots of PIA.
Though, playing with heavy allegations is a usual hobby for our elite but for the global aviation industry and media this was no less than a shocking earthquake. Safety of public lives takes priority over any other issue specially in aviation matters due to very high mortality rate in air crashes. Basing on this principle, Pakistani pilots and PIA have come under extra tight scrutiny. Credit for all this fuss and heavy losses goes to the honourable Aviation Minister, who unfortunately did not have any clue about pilot’s training, selection and subsequent periodic testing procedures. Minor anomalies in documentation and negligible delays in periodic testing were over-exaggerated as fake or dubious licences thus projecting Pakistani aviation procedures unreliable. Fact of the matter is that pilots have to undergo a well laid out reliable tough selection procedure and flawless training system. How an untrained pilot can fly big planes across the globe for thousands of miles? Administrative or governance problems in PIA should not be misused to measure the professional skills of pilot crew. There was a time once PIA used to be rated among the world’s top professional and well administered airlines. Favoritism and interferences of the ruling elite gradually pushed the national airliner in losses. It was the Bhutto era in the seventies when a principled man like Air Marshal retired Noor Khan resigned as Chairman PIA in protest to an unlawful interference from country’s premier. This was the beginning of PIA’s journey on a slippery slope. PIA definitely needs a surgical support to come out of ICU but at the moment ruling party should arrange rapid damage control measures to regain the lost credibility.
—The writer is a free lancer who often contributes in national newspapers.