The changing weather from summer to winter, and decreasing mercury level, has compelled the majority of residents, Rawalpindi and Islamabad, belonging to the low-income groups rush towards flea markets to purchase warm clothes.
A huge rush of people can be seen at the flea markets in the twin cities to purchase warm clothes, woollies, caps, socks, jackets and hoodies to save them and their children from cold weather effects at a time when many of them are suffering from seasonal allergies, chest infection and influenza.
Rising inflation has impacted all the sections of society by limiting their purchasing capacity but those belonging to the lower middle class as well as the poor are the major sufferers.
Complaining about higher prices of second-hand clothes, Sajid Abbasi, a buyer at a flea market in Rawalpindi having four children, “The second-hand clothes, which we use to buy during every winter season for our children are now being sold at very high prices in flea markets and becoming out of our purchase range”.“