Prime Minister’s Special Assistant on Social Protection and Poverty Alleviation, Dr. Sania Nishtar Thursday said payments had been started under the Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program. In a tweet, Dr. Nishtar said as many as 17,000 payment points were being established countrywide with special protective measures for Covid-19 to facilitate Ehsaas Emergency Cash payment of Rs.12,000 per family. “We will ensure Corona preventive measures through Ehsaas Emergency Cash payments, including handwashing, cleaning and maintaining social distance”, she added. For queries, the citizens can call on the toll free number 0800-26477, the special assistant said. She said special measures had been taken to protect the payment centres from the effects of Coronavirus. The number of biometric payment centres and counters has been alarmingly increased to prevent crowding of beneficiaries, ensuring their health and safety.