The pro-India Jammu and Kashmir National Conference has expressed concern over the accentuating curbs on the freedom of ve nacular press in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) saying besides silencing voices critical of the ad-ministration, the gags have monopolized the flow of information in the territory.
Taking strong exception to the dwindling press freedom in IIOJK, the NC spokesperson Imran Nabi Dar said the press fraternity in the territory is at the receiving end due to the executive apathy and in-trinsic pressure associated with reporting in a con-flict situation.
The curbs and gags, he said, will further hinder the free and fair working of the press fraternity in the region.
Choking the voice of an independent media, he maintained, would go a long way in wid-ening the gap between the people and the govern-ment.
This, he added, could have menacing reper-cussions on the region that continues to remain frag-ile in spite of a monopolized flow of information.
Imran Nabi said, the tightening of juggernaut around the media and press fraternity has pushed various local dailies to stop their coverage of vari-ous issues of public importance in order to refrain from offending the authorities.
While underscoring the centrality of free press in a democratic set up, the NC spokesperson said it goes without saying how important a role a free press plays in contributing to knowledge of a com-mon person and in calling the attention of citizens towards the irregularities in the working of govern-ment.
Extolling the role of journalistic fraternity in Kashmir, he said, undue reprisals in one or other form have made it very difficult for the journalists in the territory to carry out their job in a free man-ner.
“People associated with the press in Kashmir are constantly subjected to reappraisals from differ-ent quarters.
Despite the troubles they are experiencing, they haven’t lowered their guard in highlighting the woes of people,” Imran Nabi said.
Calling for immediate revocation of charges against journalists in IIOJK, he said it does not be-hoove a democratic set up to muzzle freedom of speech.—KMS