INDIAN Prime Minister Narendra Modi seems to have crossed all limits in his bid to intimidate and pressurize Pakistan in the backdrop of growing international criticism of his berserk policies and actions in Occupied Kashmir. In an apparent attempt to divert attention of the world community from his black deeds in Occupied Kashmir, he has went to the extent of hurling the threat of nuclear attack on Pakistan making mockery of the repeated claims by the leadership in New Delhi about India being a responsible nuclear power.
This is the most blatant statement from across the eastern border, which speaks volumes about mindset of civilian and military leadership of India vis-à-vis Pakistan. Indian Prime Minister, members of his cabinet and military chiefs are frequently talking about initiation of war or carrying out of surgical strikes against Pakistan. Previously, they were blaming Pakistan of supporting ‘terrorism’ in Occupied Kashmir but now even Indian military leaders have publicly stated on a number of occasions that (so-called) intrusion and interference from Pakistan side has dropped to almost zero, which clearly implies that the ongoing freedom struggle in Occupied Kashmir was purely indigenous. In fact, Kashmiris have proved during the last six months of clamp down that come what may they would not accept India’s illegal move of annexing the disputed region and attempts aimed at changing its demographic composition. On the other hand, Narendra Modi is insisting he would not review his decision that has sparked world-wide condemnation of the gory state of affairs in Occupied Kashmir. The threat of nuclear attack is, therefore, reflective of thinking in New Delhi to make Pakistan scapegoat and should be taken seriously. Azad Kashmir President Sardar Masood Khan, who is an authority on Kashmir and regional situation, has done well by highlighting the issue during his interaction with participants of the International Workshop on Leadership and Security, organized by the National Defence University and attended by local and foreign business executives, parliamentarians, diplomats, government officials and representatives of the civil society and media. He rightly pointed out that war is not an option and Narendra Modi’s threat of using ‘mother of all nuclear bombs’ to annihilate Pakistan is the most impulsive and reckless statement to be ever made by a person heading a nuclear nation. The statement makes it absolutely clear as to why Pakistan went for nuclear option and that the country’s nuclear deterrence is a factor contributing towards maintenance of peace in the region. Statement of Modi notwithstanding, India knows it fully well that Pakistan has a stockpile of nuclear assets that are smarter and much more efficient and capable than those possessed by New Delhi.