FOREIGN Office on Friday refuted as speculative and baseless a media report claiming Pakistan Army fighting alongside Azerbaijani forces against Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh. Responding to queries about the media report, Foreign Office spokesperson, Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri, said such reports are irresponsible. Reiterating Pakistan’s position on the issue, he said Pakistan is deeply concerned over the deteriorating security situation in Nagorno-Karabakh region.
Pakistan and Turkey are among those countries of the world that have a strong and principled position on the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh and preservation of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. It is because of their forthright stand that some circles in Armenia are indulging in kite flying in respect of Pakistan’s support to Azerbaijan and Turkish Jehadis (fighters) and F-16s participating in the conflict. Such conjectures are highlighted by Indian media which has a vested interest in maligning Pakistan and creating misunderstanding about its stand on the issue. The backers of Armenia, which remained silent to continued occupation of Azeri territories by Armenia and paid only lip-service to just resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, are now upset because of successes of Azerbaijani forces and are trying to belittle the victories. Observers point out that the contested region is internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan but is populated mostly by Armenian separatists whose titular country fought a bitter war with its neighbour over this territory from 1988-1994. They also highlight that Azerbaijan has the UN-enshrined right to regain its territories and all peace-loving nations should extend their fullest support to Baku in this regard. There are dangers that the war can expand as desperate Armenian forces are now attacking areas outside the conflict zone, prompting warnings from Azerbaijan to respond in the same coin. There is, therefore, urgent need on the part of the UN and influential capitals to help broker a just solution of the crisis.