Local officials in northern Jawzjan province on Monday distributed humanitar-ian aid to 350 families in Mangjik district of the prov-ince, while local people say they are in need of further as-sistance. Qari Sadruddin, head of the Red Crescent in Jawzjan, told local media that the aid was distributed to needy and war-affected families based on a previous survey.
He added that the aid in-cluded flour, rice, oil, beans, sugar, salt and dry tea, which were distributed among resi-dents of Mangjik district today. “The Red Crescent continues to attract and distribute more aid in order to support needy families in other districts of Jawzjan province,” he added.However, Mohammad Jura, a resident of Abbas village in Mangjikdistrict, said, “We thank the Red Crescent Soci-ety for the aid distribution which will solve our problems to some extent, but our main problem is lack of shelter be-cause we lost our houses dur-ing the fight between Taliban and former government forces last year.”