ABBOTTABAD Out of three confirmed Coronavirus cases of Abbottabad district, one died while other two are under treatment in different hospitals on the Sunday. According to detail one Major (R) Muhammad Illyas residing at Makki Mohallah Khola Kehal was declared corona positive. He received a Tablighi Jammat from Turkmenistan at his home two weeks back and went with them in a mosque in Narian. He was admitted in CMH Abbottabad three days back complaining dry cough. Local administration and police rushed to the area alongwiwth disinfection team of Water & sanitation Services Company and taken all preventive measures including disinfection spray in entire street at Kehal Abbottabad. He was admitted in CMH Abbottabad where he died on Sunday. Later his Nimaz-eJinaza was offered at Kohla Kehal Graveyard and was buried by the special squad of the health department wearing protective gears and no one was allowed to take part in burial process. His dead body was kept in the ambulance when his Nimaz-e-Jinaza was offered participated by large number of peoples from all section of life including his relatives, family members and officials.