PAKISTAN has promptly and strongly rejected Indian Army Chief’s allegations that Islamabad was sending terrorists across the Line of Control (LoC) at a time when the world was busy fighting the novel Coronavirus. During weekly media briefing on Friday, Foreign Office spokesperson Aisha Farooqui said these baseless Indian allegations are patently designed to divert global and domestic attention from India’s state-terrorism and egregious human rights violations and clamping of fundamental freedoms in Occupied Kashmir, particularly post-August 5, 2019.
General MM Naravane’s remarks, made during a two-day visit to the occupied territory, were reflective of growing frustration of India over failure of its strategy to break the will of the Kashmiri people, who are determined not to be budged even by worst kind of repressive tactics and a combination of measures aimed at changing political, demographic and economic landscape of the region. His claim that India was busy “not only helping our own citizens but the rest of the world by sending medical teams and exporting medicines” during the Coronavirus crisis, Pakistan was only “exporting terror” was aimed at not only trying to camouflage black deeds of his forces in Occupied Kashmir but also an attempt to win diplomatic sympathies by linking the issue of Coronavirus, which has become number one concern and priority of the world, to the unsubstantiated allegations of Pakistan exporting terrorism. India stood isolated on the issue of Jammu and Kashmir as apart from the UN Chief, leaders of a number of countries, all human rights bodies and international public opinion have repeatedly been expressing anguish over draconian but illegal measures introduced by India to alter the status of Jammu and Kashmir that are strongly been resented by all Kashmiris. Ironically, at a time when the Indian Army chief was taking credit for serving and assisting the humanity in the fight against Coronavirus, prominent Indian journalists like Rajdeep Sardesai are raising their voices against segregation of virus patients in India, adding that Muslims are being discriminated by the Indian authorities. There were also reports that tests of Coronavirus are also conducted on the basis of religious belief and the facility is denied to the Muslims. Earlier, infected Indian Muslims, who came back from Iran, were left at the mercy of circumstances and most of them died unattended. This is the true face of those claiming to be assisting the world in the fight against the virus. As for charges of terrorism are concerned, these are repeated every time whenever Indians are frustrated over failure of their plans to suppress voice of Kashmiris.