The government has collected around Rs 142.977 billion royalty from Exploration and Production (E&P) companies operating in different oil and gas producing districts across the country, during a period of 21-months.
“From August 18, 2019 to May 5, 2020, an amount of Rs142.977 billion has been collected from different E&P companies, out of which Rs 51.196 billion were received on account of crude oil and Rs 91.781 billion for natural gas extraction,” according to a latest official document available with APP.
During the last two years, the E&P companies have added 9,444 BPD (Barrels per Day) oil and 218 MMCFD (Million Cubic Feet per Day) gas in the national pool against the depletion of 9611 BPD oil and 279 MMCFD gas from the operational wells.
While, the companies had acquired around 5,110 2D Line-Kilometer and 2,693 Square-Kilometer seismic data to assess potential of hydrocarbon deposits in different pockets, besides making 26 oil and gas discoveries in various exploratory blocks. During the period, the government granted 10 licences and extended 124.—APP