IT is generally understood that the Quran is a revealed scripture that like other religious Scriptures deals only with moral values, rituals and prayers. It is not true. The Quran is a book that gives the basics of social, moral, legal, economic, matrimonial and political prescriptions as a system. Besides, the Quran alludes to the scientific and cosmological theories. The book of Dr. Maurice Bucaille titled “ The Bible, The Quran and Science” is a very famous treatise that exclusively sheds light on the scientific aspects of the Quran, which cannot be denied or challenged. He tried, in his book to separate what belongs to Revelation from what is the product of error or human interpretation. His study sheds new light on the Holy Scriptures. He looked on these scriptures from scientific outlook and praised the accuracy and verity of the Quran.
Albert Einstein was the Father of Modern Physics. He was born on March 14,1879 in Germany and died on April 18, 1955 in New Jersey, USA. He was a theoretical physicist. His Quantum Theory has brought immense revolution in the realm of physics. He is best known for his equation E = mc2, which states that energy and mass (matter) are the same thing, just in different forms. He is also well known for his discovery of the “ Photoelectric Effects, for which he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. He developed a theory of special and general relativity, which helped complete and expand upon theories that had been put frothily Isaac Newton over two hundred years prior. Theory of Relativity has opened new vistas in Physics and the Time- Space new concept brought immense advancement in the study of Physics. In the Holy Quran, there are several verses that pertain to the Theory of Relativity. One of them in the Surah Al-Hajj (Pilgrimage), which says: “Surely, a day, beside your Lord is like a thousand years for the day you count.” ( 22: 47). Special Theory of Relativity is the theory of Space-Time structure.
In his last days, Albert Einstein was working on the “Grand Unified Theory.” About this theory Edgar writes: “ The conception of creation is begun by Islam. Grand Unified Theory and Islam can reconcile together which means Islam and its science certainly are in accordance with nature and universal values.” The researchers believe that Einstein being a Jew had thoroughly studied the Quran and derived his scientific theories from the Quranic cosmology. This is the reason, once he praised the Quran much. He opines: “The Quran is not a book of Algebra or Geometry but is a collection of rules which guides human beings to the right way, the way which the greatest philosophers are unable to decline it.”
It is said that in his last days of life he was immensely immersed by the Quranic wisdom and the scientific accuracies, that people thought he had embraced Islam. He is also known as an “unannounced convert” to Islam. There is no shred of doubt in it that he was a committed Jew but his literary and philosophical mindset accepted the truth of the Quran as a revealed book and he cogitated on the verses of the Quran.
Besides, his par excellence in the field of science, his two books titled “ Out of my Later Years” and “ The World as I see it” depict humanism, rationalism and his deep insight and interest in theology, philosophy and literature. He frankly admitted the scientific perspectives and verities delineated in the Quran. Once, a great British philosopher and play wright Bernard Shaw foretells that Europe will accept religion and the book of Mohammad.
Actually, the acknowledgment of Albert Einstein shuddered the theological circles of Europe and the intellectual got involved and interested to study Islam as a code of life that is natural, rational, humane and scientific. The Christian priests considered the Earth static and when Galileo said the earth is not static, it is dynamic, he had to suffer at the hands of clergy. Similarly, Kepler and many other scientists had to suffer for their scientific inquires. On the other hand, In Surah Al- Rehman it is said: “ The Sun and the Moon follow the (prescribed) timings. And the herbs and the trees do obeisance (unto Him). And the heaven, He did raise it high, and placed the scale (within reach).( 27: 5- 7). Then in Surah Al-Yasin, the Quran says: “And the Sun travels unto a resting place fixed for it; that is the decree of Almighty, the All- Knowing. And (as for) the Moon, We have fixed for it stages till it returns to be bent like an old palm branch. It is not (expedient) for the Sun that it should overtake the Moon, nor can the night outstrip the day; and each (of these luminaries) rotate on in (its peculiar) sphere (23: 38, 39, 40). These verses clearly show that the cosmos is rotational. Great Greek philosopher Aristotle had said that the universe is static. But the Quran and Science are on one page that the universe is rotating. The Quran declares the Universe dynamic and every satellite moving around the orbit. According to the Quran the earth is not static but rotative. So far as the Theory of Relativity and its connotation of Time and Space on conceptual and Supra physics is concerned, the ascension of the Prophet of Islam towards Hyperion/ heavens is scientifically a proven act.
The message for the Muslims and non-Muslims is that they should find cosmic scientific truths from the Quran and do research from this angle to make the world a better world. The Quran is not a book of science in specific terminology but nothing Quranic is unscientific and it was an unflinching faith of the Father of Modern Physics Einstein.
—The writer is contributing columnist, based in the United States.