Pakistan People’s Party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari chaired meeting of party officials from Malir District on Thursday. PPP Women’s Wing Central President Faryal Talpur and Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah, besides assembly members and Sindh ministers, also attended the meeting. The meeting reviewed the issues of development works in the city, especially in Malir district. Rehabilitation issues in the city after rains were also discussed. The gathering considered measures to improve the infrastructure, health and education sectors of the city. Waqar Mehdi, Nasir Shah, Saeed Ghani, Sheikh Adeel Akhtar, Sajid Jokhio and others participated in the meeting. Mir Abbas Talpur, Jam Abdul Karim, Agha Rafiullah, Hakeem Baloch, Yousuf Murtaza Baloch, Saleem Baloch and others were also present in the meeting.