In a stern response to the illegal tree cutting near PIDC in Karachi, Chief Secretary Sindh Asif Hyder Shah has ordered an immediate inquiry and issued directives for strict action against those responsible. The incident, which saw the felling of four trees, has prompted the registration of an FIR (No. 156/2024) at Civil Lines Police Station, marking a strong stand against environmental violations. Following the Chief Secretary’s directives, two officials from the Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC), including the Director General of Parks & Horticulture, have been removed from their positions.
These removals came after it was determined that their oversight contributed to the illegal tree-cutting incident. Additionally, KMC has been instructed to take disciplinary action against any employees found negligent or involved in the unlawful activity. The Deputy Commissioner South has been given 24 hours to submit a comprehensive inquiry report. Chief Secretary Shah emphasized the vital role of urban greenery in combating pollution and ensuring sustainability in Karachi.
“The government has a zero-tolerance policy towards the destruction of green assets,” he stated, reinforcing the need for vigilance among public officials in safeguarding the environment. In light of the incident, the Sindh government has called on all relevant authorities to strengthen monitoring systems to prevent future instances of unauthorized tree cutting. The Chief Secretary also assured that every possible step would be taken to restore the affected greenery and stressed that such violations would not go unchecked, aiming to set a precedent for environmental protection in the city.