Federal Secretary Ministry of Information & Broadcasting Akbar Hussain Durrani said that newspapers were not the source for spreading Coronavirus so there was no proposal under consideration to slap ban on printing of newspapers. He also said that the government would not impose any kind of ban on TV Channels. In an exclusive talk with IMI News Agency here, the Federal Secretary Information & Broadcasting said that the importance of media increased immensely especially in the aftermath of outbreak of COVID-19 so no question arose to slap ban on printing of newspapers or airing TV channels. He said the importance of media increased manifold because these were authentic sources of communicating accurate information to masses. He said that now the responsibility for spreading information lied on the shoulders of the media. “We expect that the media will help the government to convey accurate information to masses” he maintained. He said that the media should launch special campaign to create awareness among the masses related to combating COVID-19 Virus. The media, he said, would have to create awareness among the masses about the ways and means to ensure preventive from eruption of COVID19 Virus. The Federal Secretary said that so far one case of Coronavirus diagnosed among employers of Ministry of Information & Broadcasting’s Cyber Wing and instructions were issued to provide all kind of health facilities. The concerned officers were in close contact with the employee who was diagnosed having suffering from COVID-19 Virus, he added. He said that if any employees of Ministry of Information & Broadcasting or its attached departments and wings diagnosed with COVID-19 he or she should contact with Mohisteen Alvi, joint secretary of our Ministry as they all would be helped for providing health facilities.