Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Farrukh Habib on Tuesday said that Prime Minister Imran Khan has emerged as a global leader by taking practical steps on climate change.
‘Such efforts of Prime Minister Imran Khan are also being recognized by the International Organizations,’ he said in a series of tweets.
He said the billion tree plantation project launched by the prime minister in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to avert climate crisis in Pakistan won accolades from different global forums including the United Nations (UN), World Economic Forum and the Bonn Challenge.
On the one hand, he said UN Secretary General António Guterres issued a red alert on the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change’s report indicating a sharp rise in temperature in next ten years, while on the other, PM Imran Khan was personally leading tree plantation drive in the country to help control soaring temperatures.
Farrukh said the prime minister inaugurated the world’s biggest Miyawaki urban forest at Lahore the other day, while Mangroves drive in Balochistan, Lasbela and drone tree plantation drive at Lal Sohnara were to be launched on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively.
He said with an increase of 300 per cent mangroves cover in the last decade, Pakistan had become the only country in the world where its forests were growing at a fast pace.
A large number of green jobs were also being created in those areas where locals were hired to protect and nurture those forests.—INP