Articles and letters may be edited for the purposes of clarity and space. They are published in good faith with a view to enlightening all the stakeholders. However, the contents of these writings may not necessarily match the views of the newspaper.
Justice in
true sense
The economic conditions of any state may be judged from the plight of its citizens. When the people are happy and satisfied, it means the government is really delivering in the best interest of the people but if the people are unhappy and dissatisfied, it means the government doesn’t care about the people’s miseries.
It is a common practice that excessive hike in the prices of essential commodities and unemployment have made people’ life miserable and rendered them unable to meet their basic needs.
In other words, life of a commoner is no less than a myth despite the tall claims made by our guardians on the floor of the house. The incidents of violence and suicides are almost linked to the same problem.
If we go deep into the matter, it is crystal clear that luxuries of life are the sole rights of the upper class, while the poor and middle class have no say in this regard.
Now the question arises why our economic position has jeopardized so much. The answer is simple and obvious.
Everyone is bent upon accumulating wealth and becoming rich overnight. This factor has penetrated into our mind so much that we are shamelessly fleecing the poor and downtrodden segment of our society and do not bother to recognize their due rights.
The growing trend of corruption, nepotism, favouritism in our institutions can be linked very much to the above cited factors.
In a nutshell, it can be aptly remarked that unless and until we do not recognize one another’s rights, the situation will go from bad to worse and there will be no hope for any change in our life.
Let us change our lifestyle and expedite the efforts to help and support the poor, only then the concept of real justice can be materialized in true sense.
Electricity issues
Through column of newspapers I would like to discuss a major problem of electricity in Turbat.
Though electricity comes from Iran, but here we find load shedding is extremely high. Due to regular and long power failures residents of Turbat have to go through many difficulties.
Due to prolong load shedding markets are closed most of time making life more difficult as hardly anything is available.
Furthermore, students are greatly affected due to this problem. Every SDO comes and collects illegal bills from people and leaves the place.
Numerous written and verbal explanations have been lodged at electricity department but no action has been taken. I hope my letter would help solve the problem soon.
Turbat, Balochistan
Delta variant
Worries about the presence of the Delta Variant of novel COVID in Pakistan are ending up being genuine.
An ever increasing number of instances of the profoundly infectious strain are being accounted for in the country which is currently in the hold of a fourth wave of the pandemic. Last week, health authorities in Punjab affirmed 28 instances of Delta variation in Rawalpindi.
Likewise, this previous Tuesday, Sindh Health department office said that 35 individuals had been down with the deadly variant in Karachi alone.
While the vaccination process is continuing in the country, so far only 4.3 million people or just about two percent of the population have been vaccinated fully.
With the emergence of Delta variant of the coronavirus, the slow vaccine rate in Pakistan will put the country in hot waters.
The forceful vaccination process may help the government vaccinate its subordinates by threatening to stop their salaries, but the same will not work for the common citizens.
Instead of enforcing a vaccination policy, the government should review its guidelines and launch awareness campaign to motivate the people into getting vaccinated on their own and enforce a smart lockdown wherever needed. I also request every individual to cooperate with the authorities.
water treatment
During the late summer of 2019, many cases of PAM (Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis) were reported in the hospitals of Faisalabad.
This disease is commonly called as Naegleria after the name of its causing organism, that is, Naegleria fowleri which is a unicellular amoeba. This amoeba severely damages tissues of the human brain so it is also called as brain eater.
It is commonly found in fresh water and when it reaches the human nasal cavity while taking bath, washing face, swimming, drinking or by some other way, it moves towards the brain and start damaging it.
Its common symptoms are headache, body ache, high fever, dizziness and coma that may lead to the death of the patient if proper treatment is not given to the him.
Many cases have been recently reported in Karachi and it has also caused more than six deaths there.
This bacterium is commonly found in fresh water ponds and swimming pools. It spreads rapidly if the drinking water is not properly Chlorinated.
The recent cases reported in Karachi were mainly due to the un-Chlorinated drinking water while the cases which were reported in Faisalabad in 2019, were due to presence of bacteria in swimming pools.
Many people in private sector have constructed swimming pools which are over-used and in bad condition.
There are no arrangements of Chlorination of water in these pools. Last year these pools were closed due to Corona restrictions but recently these restrictions have been lifted and the people are swarming in these pools.
In the absence of health SOPs, these pools have become a major source of this disease. The government agencies, owners of these pools and people themselves are responsible for this disease. People must be supplied with Chlorinated drinking water.
It is the duty of government. The water in the swimming pools must be fresh and Chlorinated. It is the duty of the owners of the pools.
It is the duty of every person to follow health SOPs. If all of these perform their duty, this disease many others like this can be easily controlled.