Sindh province on Monday reported 854 fresh cases of COVID-19 and eight virus-related deaths in a single day, Minister Syed Murad Ali Shahsaid in a statement.“We have tested 11,497 samples for the virus,” he said while sharing details of daily COVID-19 figures and added that 471 people have recovered during the past 24 hours.
The chief minister said that the province has tested 2,653,596 samples so far of which 242,053 have come back positive while 3,900 of them lost their battle against the infection.
Murad Ali Shah said that most of the fresh cases-579 out of 854- have been reported from Karachi, a major hotspot of the virus in the province.
Sharing district-wise COVID-19 figures in Karachi, the chief minister said that the district East led the virus figures in the city by 235 cases, followed by 154 in South, 67 in Korangi, 56 in Central, 36 in Malir and 31 in West.
Pakistan recorded as many as 1,629 new cases of the novel coronavirus in a single day with 23 more fatalities.According to the latest update released by the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC), 1,629 new cases emerged after 36,607 samples were tested in the last 24 hours.
The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country has soared to 534,041 with the addition of the fresh infections while the countrywide death toll jumped to 11,318.
The NCOC said the positivity ratio of infections was recorded at 4.44 percent. The total number of recovered patients stands at 488,903.Thus far, Sindh has reported a total of 241,200 infections, Punjab 154,017, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 65,532, Balochistan 18,750, Islamabad 40,815, Azad Jammu and Kashmir 8,825, and Gilgit Baltistan 4,902.