Pak Sarzameen Party Chairman Syed Mustafa Kamal on Thursday said by raising the prices of essential food items including flour, sugar, pulses, meat, vegetables, petroleum products, medicines as well as basic amenities electricity and gas, the corrupt, incompetent and insensitive government is trying eradicate the poor instead of eradicating the poverty. He expressed these views while addressing a dinner hosted by the business community at Gulshan-e-Iqbal. The government’s anti-public moves have not only hit the purchasing power of 98% of the people, but also it was making sure that the remaining industries in Karachi would either shut down or relocate themselves to other countries. The ill-thought-out policies of the incumbent government are forcing the nation towards the state of unrest and anarchy. Extreme inflation is a sign of government’s utter failure. The white collard people are forced to beg and eat food from the the stalls of welfare organizations, since there are no employment opportunities left for them. If the situation continues to persist, it will be most difficult to run the affairs of the country thereby making pakistan vulnerable to international conspiracies. Unfortunately the incompetent and failed government is consuming all its energy and resources in blaming the previous rulers for the exiting socio-economic and administrative woes. Inflation is unbearable for the people and the rulers are not ready to come out of the political tug-of-war and fulfill their constitutional obligations.