Articles and letters may be edited for the purposes of clarity and space. They are published in good faith with a view to enlightening all the stakeholders. However, the contents of these writings may not necessarily match the views of the newspaper.
Oil & gas companies & local talent
The eyes of the oil & gas companies, both national and multinational, are focused on the province of Sindh.
Over the last decade, the biggest oil and gas discoveries have been reported in Sindh province and this process continues, but unfortunately nothing is being done to welcome – hire the local talent both highly educated and professional such as petroleum and gas, chemical, and engineering degrees in other relevant disciplines.
Neither these MNCs have provided the gas facility to the local people –living in the vicinity of oil and gas fields, nor invested the desired amount in their education, training, community development and road infrastructure leading to their respective oil and gas fields.
On the contrary, they have done everything to destroy their already paved poor quality road by plying heavy vehicles and pollute the neat and clean environment.
The persons, in authority in the oil and gas companies, deepen the deprivation of the locals by discriminating against them.
They must fear the wrath of the Lord of the Universe because He is always on the lookout and those who do injustice or discrimination are bound to suffer both in this world and in the world hereafter.
Urdu language is power
Urdu language is not taught in schools as it has been lacking in Sindh. A few people could have passed the test of PST and JST in Urdu portion.
It is the shame that English that has devoured the interest for knowing its grammar or history portion. However, people are smitten with only English that has destroyed us morally and culturally.
People are slave of it to be on the ball. Does it give as respect as Urdu gives ? Does it strengthen more than Urdu? Foreign funds are implemented with resources for online course of English language course for free. Why? The outline of course is designed very sharply.
The question does nothing than irritating while exposing the patriotism. The question is asked “Where do you want to see woman in Pakistan with the views to their rights after 50 years”? “ Is woman safe in Pakistan”? Don’t they mean to indulge in our culture?
Don’t they mean to think or do before 50 years? Being literate people, we must let the children know the value of Urdu as it is national language.
However, all the “conducts of events are conducted in English. At national level, Urdu is not being prioritized at education level, but Urdu teacher must have been conscious of values and norms for educating this to the new generation.
Differences between Urdu and English, culture’s consideration, teaching ways in Urdu, must be on priority by educationists, so that we may not be slave of English beyond limitations. Urdu language is power because if we once learn it can never be exploited.
Teachers’ rights
Teaching is a noble profession and often referred to as the profession of the prophets. A teacher is also boasted as the king-maker, and every religion gives emphasis on treating teachers with dignity and honour. However, it is true only as far as text and speech is concerned.
Rajnesh Osho puts it right, “Teachers are the most exploited class of society. Realistically, teachers face numerous problems for a dignified survival in society.
To sum up, Teachers – both public and private – deserve immense respect, dignity, social as well as financial security from the state.
Unfortunately, people on one hand give all the credit for their individual and collective success to teachers, while on the other hand they are met with sticks and tear gas if they demand their legitimate rights.
Like any other faction, teachers too have the right of expression, association and belief which must be safeguarded.
Furthermore, the government must protect private school teachers from exploitation and facilitate them with quality life standards.
At last, only a truly educated and civilized society can give foremost privilege to teachers as stated by Socrates. If I can jot down this plea, and you are able to read, we both owe it to our most respected teachers.
Khairpur Mir’s, Sindh
Salaries and working conditions
Zimbabwe was once known as the most literate country in Africa with a reputable educational system. I am totally disappointed that the poor governance by the ZANU PF government has eroded the envious reputation of Zimbabwe.
Teachers in Zimbabwe were once respected shining stars but due to poor working conditions and worthless salaries no one respects them anymore.
Education system needs reforms.
Teachers in Zimbabwe are no longer motivated and most of them are leaving the profession going to South Africa, Namibia and Botswana in search of better working conditions and better remuneration. The careless, clueless and corrupt government of Zimbabwe have ignored the demands of teachers.
Zimbabwe is losing trained teachers to neighbouring countries because of poor working conditions and horrible worthless salaries.
We do not want a continuous exodus of professional and trained teachers to other countries like South Africa, UK, Namibia, Botswana.
The President of Zimbabwe has failed to uplift the salaries and working conditions of teachers and therefore should resign