The Sindh High Court (SHC) on Thursday extended interim bail of senior PPP leader, former Sindh home minister Manzoor Hussain Wassan in an assets beyond means case. A two-judge bench of the high court extended his interim bail until Oct 16 and directed the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) to furnish a report on investigation thus far carried out against him. During the hearing, the NAB prosecutor informed the bench that the inquiry against the former minister has been completed and the matter sent to Headquarters pending approval. Taking exception to the bureau’s slow-paced investigation, the court directed NAB Chairman Justice (retd) Javed Iqbal to submit an explanation in this regard and wondered what does the national graft buster want to achieve by keeping important cases pending. Justice KK Agha said such matters should be disposed of swiftly, asking whether the inquiry against Wassan has been converted into investigation. To this, the prosecutor replied that the NAB chief will make a decision in this regard.