Amraiz Khan
Special Assistant to Punjab Chief Minister on Information Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan on Wednesday said that both the federal and Punjab budgets are aimed at accommodating different segments of life despite the fact that the PML-N government has bankrupted Punjab. “Punjab was facing a shortfall of Rs1,200 billion when PTI came into power in 2018.”
Talking to the media on Wednesday, Dr Firdous said the economic team has worked day and night to strengthen the devastated economy and the opposition is unable to find any mistake or lacuna in the PTI budgets.
“It is vainly making hue and cry without going into the detail of the federal and Punjab budgets, she said.
The Special Assistant said the government is going to spend Rs80 billion on the health card scheme so that everyone could enjoy free treatment facilities.
She said that under this program, more than 2.9 million people will enjoy quality healthcare facilities. Punjab has paved the way for the creation of Riyasat-e-Madina in which everyone is equal and resources are spent on public welfare, she said.
Dr Firdous regretted that the opposition has turned the parliament into a wrestling arena where women parliamentarians were injured by opposition members and they also hurled abuses at them.
This is the worst violation of democratic norms. The opposition is unnerved and has resorted to hooliganism after the presentation of a public-friendly budget by the PTI government, she said.
The SACM said the opposition’s attitude depicts their deprivation and disappointments due to a bleak political future.
The opposition injured the Malika Bukhari and ruined the environment of the house. The budget belongs to the whole of the nation and the government has the constitutional right to get it pass by the house.
She said the government will get the budget approved by the parliament and the opposition should play its constitutional role.
The Special Assistant said the opposition is testing its muscles by converting the parliament into a wrestling arena and taking revenge on NAB, anti-corruption and courts from the government.
It has become a trend to show a reaction and people will also show their reaction against opposition in the next elections.
The chair is the only problem and solution to their political ailments to bring back the corrupt era of Nawaz Sharif, she said.
Dr Firdous said the opposition should avoid taking the law into its hand because the government is committed to ensuring the supremacy of law in society. It will also expose the misdeeds of past governments.
She said that district development programmes depict the economic and development vision of the PTI government.
There is no comparison of Usman Buzdar with Shehbaz Sharif who was a political juggler and a dramatist when exchequer was looted every day.
The non-salary expenditure of the CM Office in 2017-18 was 20.21 crore which got 40 percent reduced in 2020-21.
The SACM said that Sialkot deposits more than Rs45 billion taxes every year and the minimum wage is increased to facilitate the labourers.
A new industrial zone will be developed along the Sialkot-Lahore motorway and housing colonies will be constructed for labourers.
Similarly, 13 economic zones will also be established to create ample job opportunities.
This is the developing Pakistan under PTI to achieve the goals of Riayasat-e-Madina, concluded the SACM.