Prime Minister Imran Khan will announce inclusion of doctors and paramedical staff in the government’s Shuhada package in case someone loses his/her life while treating Covid-19 patients. Federal Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Hussain Chaudhry said this while speaking at an exclusive online talk titled: ‘Role of Ministry of Science & Technology amid Covid-19’, organized by Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI). He said his ministry would to provide every support to the Ministry of Information & Technology for an enhanced provision of broadband and internet services to reach people across Pakistan. Stressing the need for E-governance in these testing times when a worst case scenario is likely to upset the whole country amid Covid-19 spread Responding to a question, the minister said the Ministry of Science and Technology could help produce testing kits, ventilators, personal protective equipment (PPE) and sanitizers in its own capacity. He called upon the private sector to come forward to join hands with public sector in this regard. “The Ministry’s doors are open for public policy think tanks like SDPI to come forward and enhance the scope of research and development in policy responses,” he added. In the wake of harvesting season in the country, the federal minister said the ministry is working to provide technology to prepare affordable sanitizers at large-scale to be used for safe agricultural operations and construction workers and industry. Speaking on the occasion, SDPI Executive Director Abid Qaiyum Suleri said war against coronavirus needs to be fought on many fronts, and one of the important fronts is science and technology. From the production of testing kits to ventilators, and from testing the quality of available sanitizers in the market to their production at affordable prices, the role of ministry of science and technology is very crucial. Appreciating the proactive role of the minister in fight against Covid-19 pandemic, Dr Suleri offered the government SDPI’s allout support and cooperation in connection with policy research and outreach.