Another livestock department scandal comes to light after buying Rs 22 Crore mosquito nets for animals as Rs 90 Crore medicines for animals were procured during Covid-19 “lockdown.” During hearing of petition on Thursday against issuing tenders to favourite companies for procurement of equipment and medicines by Livestock department, the petitioner’s advocate Malik Altaf Javed said advance payment was made to purchase medicines from the company of choice. He said the medicines have not been received as yet. The court was enraged at the livestock department officials and summoned the secretary of the livestock department in person on next hearing. The Secretary Livestock Department should appear in court himself and explain on November 12, the court said.The tender was issued for procurement of equipment and medicines by Livestock Sindh during Corona epidemic and lockdown, Malik Altaf said. The petitioner said complaints were lodged with DG Livestock regarding tenders, procurement of medicines and equipment. However, the DG Livestock disposed of complaint within 24 hours instead of cracking down on corruption and identifying those involved.