Police authorities on Wednesday resolved a mystery surrounding death of two minor children, who were found dumped in an abandoned vehicle in Manghopir area of the city. The case was resolved after the post-mortem report of the victims found that they were hit with a heavy object on the head. It said that the victims had deep injury cuts on their heads that caused spillover of blood, resulting into their immediate death. The report, however, did not found any evidence of sexual abuse committed with the children. Assistant Police Surgeon DrSaleem said that the victims, three-year-old Ubaid and four-year-old Muhammad, were found with broken head skull. He refuted the earlier claims of an accident and declared it an intentional murder. It is pertinent to mention here that bodies of two children were found from an abandoned vehicle in Manghopir area, with officials initially claiming that they might have died due to suffocation after locking themselves inside the vehicle. The bodies of the children were recovered after breaking the glasses of the vehicle. The family of the children claimed that they had no enmity with anyone and both the victims were friends with one another.