A team comprising Senior Program Manager PITB Kumail Rizwi and Program Manager Ali Shakoor imparted training to the staff and officers of Board of Revenue South Punjab on an in -house developed Key Performance Indicators.
The KPIs developed by the Board of Revenue South Punjab have targeted the core public service delivery and as such embrace, ARCs, DMMs, Colony matters in the office of ACs, feedback mechanism and CMS.
Based upon these KPIs and upon request of BOR SP, PITB had made a web portal which shall be live in few days. The data that will be entered shall now be visible on dashboard.
The trends and rankings of the public service delivery of core transactional offices shall now be available on a web portal. This is step towards making the public offices and public service delivery responsive, efficient and responsible under the overall vision of the Government of the Punjab and is in direct consonance of the directions and guidance of learned ACS South Punjab.