Adil withdrew Rs550,000 from a bank in Baldia Town on Wednesday and was coming out with his friend when unidentified men showed up and opened fire on them without even asking a single question.
CCTV footage showed the suspects shooting Adil and his friend outside the bank. Adil said he and his friend fell on the ground after being shot.He said he kept asking for water but people kept making videos on their cellphones.
Social media platforms are full of CCTV videos of such incidents but those who are supposed to be preventing street crime appear to be failing at their jobs.
Adil’s father asked the provincial authorities to control crime and if they couldn’t, then they should resign.
“They shot my son today and tomorrow they will shoot someone else’s son,” he added.
Street crime incidents are on the rise in Karachi, according to the police data.
In 2021, at least 10 people have been killed and 125 injured for resisting robberies. Armed robbers have snatched at least 552 cars in the city this year alone.
The data shows at least 15,058 bikes were either stolen or snatched in Karachi this year. Armed men have snatched 7,542 cellphones too.