Punjab Council of the Arts on Tuesday arranged ‘Mehfil-e-Sama’ in connection to ‘Shan-e-Rahmatulil Alameen’ week on the directions of government of Punjab. Legend Aziz Mian Qawals’son Imran Aziz Mian Qawal gave wonderful performance at Mehfil-e-Sama performed more than two hours and mesmerized the audience with famous qawalies and received thunder appreciation. World famous Qawali Nabi Nabi, Allah Hi jane Kaon Bashar, Ali Ali and others spell bounded the audience. He also addressed the gathering and said that like his father Aziz Mian Qawal, he expressed his love for Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) through the art of Qawwali. ‘Until the Day of Judgment, no one can be equal to the dust of our beloved Prophet (PBUH),’ he added. Director Arts Council Waqar Ahmed said that Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was dearer to us than our own lives.
‘Our faith is not complete without the love of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH),” he added. He further clarified that there was big difference between freedom of expression and arrogance.
Western countries were deliberately playing with the feelings of Muslims, he added. Hundreds of people were present in the Punjab Arts Council to listen to Imran Aziz Mian Qawwal.—APP