In Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, renowned lawyer Deepika Singh Rajawat, who represented 8-year-old Kathua gang-rape victim, Asifa Bano in 2018, was booked by Indian police on the pretext of hurting religious sentiments of a community in one of her tweets.
A police officer confirmed the registration of the FIR in the matter, saying that this has been done following complaints from workers of Hindu extremist organization Bajrang Dal.
The 8-year-old girl, Asifa Bano was abducted, gang-raped and killed by Indian police officer, the village head and the caretaker of the temple Sanji Ram, in Rasana, Kathua, in January 2018
The Indian Express reported that Rajawat has been booked under provisions of Sections 295A and 505 (b) (2) of the Indian Penal Code. On Tuesday, Rajawat had tweeted a cartoon making a point about women’s safety featuring Goddess Durga, which had sparked outrage online.
The offences leveled in the FIR are non-bailable. The police said they are waiting for a report by the Cyber Cell about the origin of the tweet, among other things, before initiating action against the lawyer.
Earlier, Bajrang Dal activists led by Rakesh Bajrangi had held a demonstration outside Rajawat’s residence in Jammu and demanded action in the matter.
Rajawat dismissed the FIR as “a fractured piece which will not survive in the court”, adding that it was registered by way of “sheer abuse of law and under pressure from BJP and other saffron organisations”.
Pointing out that her tweet meant to send a message about women’s safety, she said that in the FIR, she has been charged with offences which she did not commit.—KMS