Two suspects, Junaid and Waqas, named in DrMaha Shah suicide case managed to escape from the City court on Monday after their bail plea was rejected in a suicide case. According to details, both accused in DrMaha case, Junaid and Waqas appeared in court to hear the verdict on bail petition. As the hearing went underway, the court rejected bail plea of both accused Junaid and Waqas in DrMaha Shah murder case. The court had reserved the verdict on previous hearing. Junaid was caught in a rickshaw fleeing the courtroom. The accused said that he had given Rs100,000 to the investigation officer to allow him to flee. Earlier in the day, Police filed an interim charge-sheet in the DrMaha Shah suicide case before a judicial magistrate (South). According to the challan, accused SaadNasir had sold his licenced 9mm pistol to accused TabishYaseen for Rs55,000 on July 12, who gave it to DrMaha Shah around a month ago. Qureshi confirmed he bought the pistol from Saad.