Staff Reporter With the latest discovery of two cases of Coronavirus in Pakistan, the prices of surgical masks have skyrocketed in Karachi on Thursday. According to the details, the masks ether have disappeared from the medical stores or are being sold against unaffordable prices across the metropolis city. A medical store owner told Pakistan Point that a normal box of ordinary masks was available in the market against Rs 300 to Rs 400 which has now gone high up Rs 2,000. Another store owner says that N-95 masks used for protection from Coronavirus despite that its prices have gone high but the masks are not available in the markets. About 10,000 N-95 masks and more than 3,600 ordinary regular masks were exported to China despite ban by the government. Six companies were allowed to export masks to China which caused shortage in the country. “This shortage is only because of the hoarders,” said health officials. It may be mentioned here that two cases of Coronavirus appeared in Pakistan. ; first case was in Karachi and the second patient was identified in Islamabad who was shifted to Pakistan Institute on Medical Sciences (PIMS). Separate wards have been established at Karachi hospitals.