As a part of his military diplomacy, Army Chief, General AsimMunirvisited United States where he met with all key U.S officials including Secretary of State and Secretary of Defence. During his meeting with U.S Secretary of State, Antony John Blinken, he highlighted Pakistani concerns over the on-going Israeli aggression and genocide of Palestinians at Gaza and West Bank. While at Pentagon, General Asim had a meeting with US Secretary of Defence General Lloyd James Austin (Retd) and shown his concerns over the rising terrorism from Afghanistan into Pakistan. Indeed, United States has a major role in either case; a) U.S has repeatedly vetoed the United Nations Security Council resolutions which demanded immediate ceasefire in Gaza, b) the terrorism in Pakistan from Afghan soil can be stopped by U.S only, since Interim Afghan Government came into power through an agreement between Taliban and United States. Moreover, terrorism against Pakistan started while U.S and NATO had invaded Afghanistan in 2001.
Since the beginning of 21st century, Pakistan has been fighting against the terrorists and terrorism that attacked Pakistan while using Afghan soil. During his visit, Army Chief had a meeting with United Nations’ Secretary General, Antonio Guterres at New York. Army Chief discussed with him the Israeli aggression against Palestinians in Gaza and reminded him the needed role of this world organization. General apprised him about the Pakistani position over these Israeli brutalities in Gaza and demanded an immediate ceasefire. Pakistan demands an end of the Israeli occupation over Palestinian land and implementation of two states solution as enunciated by UN General Assembly Resolution 181. The most significant aspect of this military diplomacy was a communication between Army Chief General Asim Munir and UN Secretary over the unresolved dispute of Jammu and Kashmir. Army Chief reminded the Secretary General about much awaited and desired role of United Nations. Indeed, UN role has been found wanting over the dispute. In the absence of a clear role of UN, India has manipulated and relegated the status of the state to union territories in 2019 by undoing the special status of the state. It is worth mentioning that, Muslim majority Princely state of Jammu and Kashmir was invaded by India on the false claim of Instrument of Accession.
In a way, Kashmiris were deprived from their basic right to join their dreamland the newly established state of Pakistan in 1947. The people of Kashmir revolted over this violation of their right of self-determination and fought-out against the Dogra Ruler and invading Indian Army. Upon the revolt by Kashmiris and Pakistan’s assistance to Kashmir’s struggle for their right, India referred the Kashmir case to United Nations Organization on January 1, 1948. UNSC immediately asked for the ceasefire and passed resolutions including two UNICIP resolutions for the solution of Kashmir dispute as per the wishes of its subjects. Owing to its resolution over Kashmir, UN is party to the dispute ever since 1948. On its part, India adopted policies of gradual relegation of Kashmir dispute its incorporation into Indian union was accomplished on August 5, 2019 through annexation of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) as union territories. It is worth mentioning that, since 1990s, India even disallowed the ‘United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP), to visit the Line of Control (LoC) from the Indian side to IIOJK for monitoring the ceasefire violations. It is worth mentioning that, UNMOGIP was established in 1948 by UN Security Council for monitoring the ceasefire line (later called LoC) and any violations of ceasefire by either side between Pakistani and Indian forces deployed along the Line of Control. It wanted rolling back of the UNMOGIP from both India and Pakistan. India has been refusing any role of UNO by quoting Simla Agreement-1972 which cannot reject or relegate the UN resolutions. Regretfully, Kashmir is the oldest unresolved dispute on the agenda of UN. Whereas, over two dozen UN resolutions are calling for fair and impartial plebiscite for the decision of the dispute, India has resisted their implementation. Many a time UN even nominated the plebiscite administrators and aids, but India always acted a stumbling block to all these efforts. India did this all under the fear that, an impartial plebiscite would pave the way for Kashmiris to decide their future away from India. Today, the people of Kashmir question the role and credibility of United Nations for not giving them, their right of self-determination.
Kashmiris believe that, UN and international community have done very little about their right of self-determination. Indeed, in the absence of any worthwhile response from UNO, India intensified its reign of terror over Kashmiris, killing those demanding their right of self-determination and incarcerating the popular leaders in order to silence the opposition. In order to do so, India continued enhancing the strength and role of its security forces in IIOJK. Under its prohibited and discriminatory laws, Indian security forces are given sweeping powers to; kill Kashmiris at will with total impunity. Through latest round of his military diplomacy, General Asim briefed UN Secretary General and U.S officials about the contemporary situation in IIOJK. The incessant Indian brutalities in IIOJK and the demographic changes, being made by India in the occupied state warrants an immediate role of UN and international community. Kashmiris must be given their right of self-determination in the light of UNCIP resolutions.
— The writer is Professor of Politics and IR at International Islamic University, Islamabad.
views expressed are writer’s own.