Police found body of a lawyer here in Surjani Town on Thursday, officials said. The body was bundled in a suitcase and dumped in a nullah. The lawyer, Farhat Ali Askari, had left his home in North Nazimabad to meet his client in Gulshan-e-Maymar three days ago, his nephew said. Before leaving his home, Askari had told his family to call his client if he didn’t pick up the phone. “When we called the client, he told us that he had left his place five minutes ago.” The lawyer’s family received a call from his number the next day but the voice on the phone was not his, according to the lawyer’s nephew. The caller said “your uncle should have thought before destroying someone’s house” and demanded Rs40 million. The family received no further calls and the police found the body the next day.Police have arrested a suspect in connection with the murder and an investigation is under way.