Notorious gang war leader Uzair Baloch’s mother has approached the Sindh High Court for overturning the sentence announced to him by a military court. She has petitioned the court and submitted that the custody of her son was sent back to the Karachi prison in the first week of April after he was reportedly convicted by the military court. The petitioner contended that Uzair was picked up by personnel of law enforcement agencies in January 2016 and was booked and charge-sheeted in over 50 cases pending trial before the antiterrorism courts. She further submitted that Uzair was handed over by the central prison on April 12, 2017 to the military authorities to face trial for his involvement in espionage activities and working for foreign intelligence agencies. She submitted that applications had been sent to the military and prisons authorities for providing a copy of the military court proceedings. The petitioner’s counsel contended that his client’s son was convicted without jurisdiction and cogent evidence and he had the right for fair trial and legal right to appeal against his conviction as provided in the Constitution. Through the counsel, she asked the court to set aside the military court conviction and also sought direction for the military authorities to produce the judgement and record of the proceedings before the SHC.