Three staff officers of Sindh Inspector General office on Thursday have been tested positive for deadly coronavirus. According to details, the victim officers included Superintendent of Police (SP) Tauqeer Naeem, SP Asad and SP Samiullah Soomro. Dozens of policemen working in Sindh’s Central Police office have also been diagnosed with the virus. The concerned authorities told that the patients have been shifted to quarantine centers for 14 days. It is to be mentioned here that Pakistan has confirmed 32 more deaths from novel coronavirus in one day as the nationwide tally of fatalities has jumped to 1,017 and positive cases surged to 48,091. According to the latest figures by the National Command and Operation Center (NCOC), 2,193 persons have been tested positive for COVID-19 in 24 hours. Till now 17,382 coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Punjab, 18,964 in Sindh, 6,815 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 2,968 in Balochistan, 1,235 in Islamabad, 579 in Gilgit-Baltistan and 148 in Azad Kashmir. Patients are under treatment at quarantine centers of 462 hospitals where 7,295 beds are available. Pakistan has so far conducted 429,600 coronavirus tests and 15,346 in last 24 hours. 14,155 coronavirus patients have recovered in the country whereas many are in critical condition.