Health experts urged the women for adopting the preventive measures and regular screening of themselves even after the end of the dedicated breast cancer awareness month, Pinktober. They urged women to undergo testing facilities in case of feeling any inconvenience and physical changes for early detection of the cancer and its treatment for saving their lives.
Breast cancer is the most common and deadly form of cancer among women in Pakistan, with nearly 26,000 new cases and over 13,500 deaths reported in 2020. Experts say that the lack of awareness, screening, and treatment facilities, as well as social and cultural barriers, are the main reasons behind the high mortality rate.
A renowned health expert Dr. FarhanEssa, said that there is a need for more female breast cancer specialists, more awareness campaigns at female colleges and training of gynecologists and female health workers to help more women in Pakistan survive breast cancer.
In the held Health awareness conference, he organized a seminar on the severity and sensitivity of this cancers while explaining the emergence of modern treatment facilities through various equipment and technology to combat the breast cancer.DrEssa said that Pakistan’s hospitals and diagnostic centers are bringing in modern facilities for early detection and diagnose of breast cancer facility, which will cater to a large female segment of the society.
Experts urged that dedicated breast cancer should be set up in major cities of the country including the establishment of specialized unit of breast cancer treatment in big hospitals of metropolis. In this regard, various efforts are underway which should be expedited in collaboration with sponsors, charitable, and fund-raising organizations.According to a Pink Ribbon Foundation, 109 women die every 24 hours due to breast cancer in Pakistan. Over 40,000 deaths a year with an addition of 90,000 new breast cancer cases are reported annually.Among Asian countries, Pakistan has the highest incidence of breast cancer. According to research conducted, approximately 1 out of every 9 women is likely to suffer from breast cancer at any point in her life and about 77% of invasive breast cancer occurred in women above 50 years, but if diagnosed early the survival rates approach 90%.