Articles and letters may be edited for the purposes of clarity and space. They are published in good faith with a view to enlightening all the stakeholders. However, the contents of these writings may not necessarily match the views of the newspaper.
Lesson planning
I read the Canadian anthology last time, given by my mentor Sir Asadullah Mangi was the most valuable master-piece of article on lesson plans on social studies’ subject. It suggested many aspects of overall planning and unit, courses, but I will discuss one of them. “Be destination driven” It’s a way of suggesting where a hiker is heading to. Either he pre-planned to end in fiasco. However, it means to be the driver of the destination that leads towards the planned achievement. This aspect has three domains: ultimate destination, intermediate destination, immediate destination.
Destination is rather rational and optional. It is final that requires the targeted tasks. Hikers like to finalise concept in a go. Secondly, Intermediate destination stands on many tasks which are to be achieved. It can be broader and it asks to distribute concepts into many domains to make idea more understandable. Thirdly, Immediate destination is not final, nor distributed into tasks, but it is done at once.
However, it can overcome the questions at the heat of the movement and it can hit the nail on the spot to finalise the concept. Nevertheless, it is not rather time taking than others. The article also suggested that the planning can never be 100% successful, but it emphasises having a sweeping mood at any time for the time being. As it has its own moods, but not according to planned methodology. This concept is also directly proportional to volunteerism that is found to be suggesting for planners.
You are special
Pakistan has suffered a great deal during the war on terror. We, as a nation, are well aware that the death toll because of war is depressing but a lot of people became disabled because of IEDs, drone attacks and ground clearance. This war has just changed the course of life for these injured and special people. We see these people outside shopping malls, around metro stations and almost everywhere and yet we ignore them like they don’t exist.
I was traumatized to know that 71% of these special people are turned into beggars in which 55.7 % are from the province of Punjab. Most of the special people have a physical handicap. Number of male with disabilities is greater than females both in rural and urban areas of our country. In 2002, the National Plan of Action (NPA) suggested measures to optimize short and long-term policy for special people but all in vain. A number of special people still increases day by day and their stake as a citizen of Pakistan decreased.
My question is this, these are the people who cannot afford a meal and this misdirected policy acts as salt on their wounds. Why are these respectable people not given Health Cards ahead of all people? Why has the state always kept these people on the low? What steps are taken by NGOs operating in our country? Why do these non-profit institutes and the government cannot come to the same page? Will this collective effort make an impact on these people’s lives who I repeat are the Citizens of this Country.
In this day and age of science and technology, why are stuck with the same 50 year old hearing aids and artificial legs. Radical steps by the Ministry of Science and Technology should be taken to modernize artificial body parts and should be provided for a fraction of the price. Let Health Science and technology fly high and hand in hand for the betterment of special people. Similarly, there are many educational institutions for blind people. Government should make sure every book has its Braille Version. Give these people a virtual push to make themselves feel welcomed, feel important on this International day for special people.
Rising inflation
Another horrendous experience for the masses of Pakistan has come to the screen. The incumbent government has embroiled plebs into manifold crises of utmost severity. Among such miseries, inflation tops the list, and therefore is palpable. It has been extremely hard for the general masses to purchase food stuff for one time, as prizes of daily commodities are ascending rapidly.
Moreover, the petroleum prices are increasing at constant pace which is adding salt to the wounds of common people. Reportedly, the government has decided to increase the petroleum prices by 12 rupees, crossing and transgressing previous prices. Undoubtedly, such pathetic and terrible efforts of the government to overload the shoulders of citizens is inciting the ire of poor sector of the country to trigger chaos and disorder in the society.
Moreover, if government continues to throw the bomb of inflation on people, it would be extremely Herculean task for it to control other sorts of vices and evils. On a serious note, rising inflation can breed various other crimes like robbery, street crimes and so on. Therefore, govt should formulate such strategies which can exterminate and abate abysmal and macabre circumstances of people. They should be given subsidies to live their life easily without any burden of inflation. The Prime Minister should look after misery-stricken people of the country to shield, safeguard and abate the financial turmoil and ordeal of destitute people.
Kandhkot, Sindh