THE 9 May tragedy is not a rocket science that requires the formation of a judicial commission to understand, determine responsibility, find the behind-the-scenes motivations and masterminds. This is not a secret conspiracy or a secret to be explored. It is a chain of events, the links of which have been coming together since the sit-in of 2014.
Call it a tragedy or a manifestation of a fascist mindset, the victims of which are our military institutions, their leadership, installations, and the social and electronic media that ridiculed these national institutions. There is no example in the past of military governments. During this time, such atrocities have been committed on political leaders and workers here. Until a national leader was hanged on the throne, a national leader and hundreds of colleagues were killed, the two-thirds majority leader was separated from the government not once, but thrice, in an unconstitutional and illegal manner, but this reaction It did not come to look at the separation of confidence through a constitutional process. On Mullah and on the other hand, those poor and mentally ill women and youth of PTI who have been so captured and imprisoned by the spell of their leadership that they see their leadership and everyone as thieves and robbers, they understand the national pride. There is no concern about national economy and economics.
As a result of May 9, those poor and women workers of Tehreek-e-Insaaf who belong to the middle class, has anyone heard about them in the jails? They have been used as security fences in Zaman Park and also in prisons. If we take a brief look at the events and activities related to Founder Chairman PTI from 10th April 2022 to 9th May 2023 and rewind the previous newspapers and various TV talk shows, then the whole reality is revealed like a movie.
Before the arrest of Imran Khan from the premises of Islamabad High Court on May 9, 2023, in order to avoid arrest in Zaman Park Lahore, the kind of fences and protective embankments were set up and petrol crackers and grenades were used on the personnel of law enforcement agencies. How to increase the pressure on the courts. The series of processions, processions and attendance in the courts continued to be delayed, even from the courts of the High Court and the Supreme Court, the VIP protocol and the welcome words of love to see you were being appreciated. A judicial commission should be formed. Anyway, the history of our judicial commissions in the past is also known to everyone, when these commissions or inquiries have awarded punishment or punishment to anyone. No report of any of them has come out, nor is there any positive and desirable action to be seen.
Even the recent commission established by the Supreme Court of Pakistan regarding the implementation of Faizabad sit-in case decision, which the Supreme Court has taken notice of even now, such a commission is a waste of time, distracts from the real issue and is a serious waste of government resources. . Leaders of Tehreek-e-Insaf, their supporters, parliamentarians, lawyers, journalists and simple workers are continuously demanding judicial commission because of wasting time. Director General ISPR has rightly said that if judicial commission is to be formed. It should cover all the events and activities that started with the sit-in of 2014 and are continuing till now. Including sit-ins, attacks on Parliament, TV stations, Prime Minister’s House, hanging dirty clothes on forests in front of the Supreme Court and Parliament House, obstructing the visits of presidents of friendly and strategic partner countries, friendly countries, especially friendly countries like Saudi Arabia. False accusations against and up to damaging diplomatic relations with other countries. From the IMF to the no-loan letters and those behind them.
In our opinion, there is a need to create a truth commission in Pakistan to examine the political and economic instability in Pakistan since the establishment of Pakistan till today. Acknowledgment at the national level to apologize and be careful with the future. Make a confession or confession. There is no doubt that some criminal negligence has been committed on the events of May 9, and the courts and prosecutors, i.e. the state and state institutions, have been complacent. I could get rid of it.
There is no doubt that Tehreek-e-Insaaf is not alone responsible for these incidents, but its supporters are also present in the Parliament, Administration, Judiciary, Establishment, in fact, in every section of thought and action, who have scattered and divided the society. Not only the sector of life, every house and every unit has created so much division and differentiation. It has become known that not only our unity and solidarity, but also our dignity and dignity at the individual and national level has been lost. It is necessary that each one of us should light the candle of his part and protect it himself.
I will be above the party level and political affiliation and say that all the institutions, all the responsible persons have to move forward in this direction by moving away from emotions and likes and dislikes and someone has to step forward to play a prudent role, the current Arrab government. And the opposition should recognize each other’s realities instead of attacking each other. And come to agreement from economy to agreement and promote democratic values, justice and benevolence in this country. Unfortunately, fascism and fascist thinking have hollowed out the roots of the country, now is a golden opportunity that the international nations, especially our friendly countries. Seemingly willing to help, take advantage of this opportunity. Otherwise, words like the fall of Baghdad, the fall of Dhaka are present in the dictionaries and the pages are empty to include more such words. Rather than criticizing and ridiculing the higher courts, the Pakistan Army and the Parliament, please focus on their reformation and their own defined scope.
—The writer is a Supreme Court lawyer and former member & Chairman Standing Committee of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Council. Islamabad