In a refreshing new take, Shan Foods presents “Malika-e-Tabassum”, a theatrical stand-up comedy show featuring renowned actress Bushra Ansari at the Arts Council Karachi. Directed by Dawar Mehmood, the show features Ansari in royal attire, eliciting laughter from her audiences and fans through her evergreen comedic genius, witty punchlines, and inimitable charms.The theatrical standup is a part of Shan Foods’s consistent contributions towards women empowerment, focusing on the women pioneers of the arts and entertainment industry.
“Malika-e-Tabassum” presented by Shan Foods in collaboration with Hum TV, KopyKats Productions, Active Media, and radio channel FM91, premiered on the first of July, and shall be open to the public till the 15th of July for audience in Karachi.
The feature will then be available for Lahore and Islamabad, too, with Ansari bringing her unmatched energy and storytelling prowess to her audiences.