Salahuddin Haider
The race for the White House that began in United States Tuesday, could lead to chaos and frightening drama as most experts believe that Incumbent Republican Donald Trump, may well refuse to vacate office if he loses to Democrat Biden.
Following reports from New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and CNN leads to just one conclusion. That Trump is hell bent on making the 2020 polls to refuse if results are not in his favour. The administration, obviously on his orders, had put Police and several other law enforcement agents on red alert.
In fact one of close relations in Washington, contacted over long distance call, complained unhesitatingly that they have been advised to keep atleast ten days’ ration in their homes, for chaos was feared.
Under American system, earlier polling is also allowed. That the CNN said had allowed 100 million votes cast already.
Now that battleground is expected to Florida, Texas, Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina and a couple more. There are certain dark spots in the elections this time like in Houston(Texas) he ballot box has been kept in the entre of the city. That means that voters going to polling booths to pick their choice, will have to drive or trek four to five miles to put that ballot paper in the box.
Likewise, several states have ramps in schools and buildings chosen as polling booths, but in certain elections, in favour of Biden, these ramps are not there, which means that handicapped voters, who are mostly in favour of Democrat and change in the administration, will be deliberately prevented from expressing their choice.
In fact, the elections have been described as “voter suppress” because of unnecessary restrictions place in non-Republican States. US media looked at this election as worst in the history of America, and is chaos does really happens, it would be repeat of the 2000 polls when George Bush refused to accept results causing widespread frustration and disapproval of American people. Bush rival AlGore fought legal battles for couple of months, from supreme courts to supreme courts of various US States, till AlGore finally pulled out of the race, saying he did not wish to American democracy to suffer, and his country get a bad name
Saner Americans seem disappointed with the way the elections has been held. There no lack of enthusiasm as voters, shown on CNN and Fox News, formed long line to exercise their right to strengthen democracy, which they think would be in danger if results are not accepted by sitting President.
Still because pf pandemics, lower standard of public debates, the turn out is also expected to be lower than before. All those Americans, diplomats or uniformed people, posted abroad, will mail their votes. That means that counting will take long time, perhaps a week or so . to be made public.
However if the difference in votes between rival candidates are 4 percent or more then the results can be announced within 24 hours. Any way this is going to be most interesting elections in American history.