Census is a huge National Exercise and its smooth execution involves appropriate planning, lot of efforts, commitment and ownership of all stakeholders. To share the proceedings of Census Activities with multilateral and think tanks, an orientation session was held at National Census Coordination Centre (N3C), PBS Head Office, Islamabad. Representatives from The World Bank, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNHabitat, WFP, Population Council, FAO, FCDO, UNHCR, SDPI & PIDE joined the session. Chief Census Commission, Dr. Naeemuz Zafar, Member (Support Services / Resource Management), Mr. Muhammad SarwarGondal, Member (Census and Surveys), Mr. Ayazuddin and other senior officers from PBS were also present.
DrNaeemuz Zafar, Chief Census Commissioner, welcomed the participants on behalf of PBS and apprised that ever since the direction of Council of Common Interest (CCI) to conduct 7th census digitally, Pakistan Bureau of statistics (PBS)has been working hard to comply with the direction. While directing to conduct 7th census, CCI directions included specific measures for non-recurrence of the issues occurred in last census. One specific issue was use of national identity card which caused controversies. PBS was also directed to conduct informative sessions with provincial stakeholders about design of 7th census to improve their trust in census process and results. The forum was apprised that the milestones set for initiating the conduct of census have been achieved through untiring efforts of PBS and its partners; majorly, NADRA, NTC, Provincial Government.