Mother of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif on Saturday departed for London to meet her ailing son. Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz spokesperson Marriyum Aurangzeb said Begum Shamim despite doctors’ advise not to travel owing to her old age, was willing to meet her son.
According to the sources, Begum Shamim will convince Nawaz Sharif for his immediate treatment owing in the light of fresh medical reports.
Sources further added that the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz supremo to undergo an important heart procedure next week and Begum Shamim will reach prior to convince her son for immediate treatment. The politician was scheduled to undergo a serious surgery, but he had refused getting operated upon till Maryam Nawaz was by her side.
Yesterday, fresh medical reports of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif were submitted in the accountability court by his counsel.
“Nawaz Sharif’s condition has not stabilized yet and he is still undergoing the medical process. He will appear before the court following the improvement in his health,” Nawaz’s counsel Amjad Pervez had apprised the court.