YANGON Myanmar ’s army said in a statement on Friday it would hold more court-martials over alleged abuses against Rohingya Muslims, after a government-appointed commission said soldiers committed war crimes against the minority. The panel concluded, in a report published in January, that members of the security forces, among “multiple actors”, were responsible for war crimes and serious human rights violations during a military-led crackdown against the group in 2017. The army said in a post on its website on Friday it had studied the panel’s report in great detail and was reviewing allegations. Hundreds of thousands of Rohingyafled to neighboring Bangladesh to escape an army offensive launched in August 2017 that UN investigators described as having been executed with genocidal intent. The country is facing genocide charges at the International Court of Justice in the Hague, after Gambia, a mainly Muslim West African state, lodged a lawsuit last year.—AP