Awaam Pakistan Party leader Miftah Ismailannounced his intention to file a petition againstK-Electric, highlighting a sharp 350% increase in electricity rates since2015.
Addressing a protest outside K-Electric’s head office, Ismail took ajibe at the current government’s handling of electricity tariffs and theburden it places on ordinary citizens.Ismail pointed out that while the Pakistan People’s Party had pledged toprovide 300 free units of electricity, the reality has been starklydifferent.”The government should not give free electricity per unit, but if therate is correct, whose salaries have increased by 350 percent?” hequestioned.
He further argued that if ordinary citizens are not receiving freeelectricity, no one else should either.”We are not vandals, but we will go and put our case in front ofeveryone,” he asserted, expressing his confidence in the media tohighlight the plight of the common man while presenting the government’sposition on the issue.
“Why does load shedding not reduce the bill?” Ismail questioned,criticizing the persistent power outages and their impact on citizens.
He stressed that if there is 12-hour load shedding, the total billshould be less.Ismail also took aim at the government’s fiscal policies, highlighting a37% tax charged on commercial electricity usage and increased governmentexpenditures. “The expenses of the Senate and National Assembly have been increased,”he noted, urging the government not to impose additional taxes ondomestic consumers.