Kiwifruit is an oval shaped edible fruit which is green on the inside with small black seeds. It has furry brown skin from the outside which can also be eaten but it is usually peeled.
Kiwifruit is native to north-central and eastern China and its origin dates back to 12th century China during the Song dynasty. It has now become popular worldwide due to its sensory and nutritional properties. In China, it was usually collected for medicinal purposes.
The cultivation of kiwifruit in China began by the name “Chinese Gooseberry” or “Yang Tao”. Its first commercial plantings occurred in 20th century when the fruit arrived from China to New Zealand. In the twentieth century, kiwifruit came a long way from being a wild species partially exploited by man to being a commercial crop of international economic importance. Kiwifruit are native to the temperate forests of the mountains and hills of southwest China.
It is grown in most temperate climates with reasonable summer temperature. Kiwifruits show a wide diversity in size, shape, fuzziness, flesh and peel colour and flavour Kiwifruit has become a commonly consumed fruit and is easily available round the year. Historically, in China, kiwifruit was not eaten as fruit, but was given as medicine to children to help them grow and to women who would give birth to help them recover. Raw kiwifruit contains actinidin which is commercially useful as a meat tenderizer.
The content of Actinidain found in raw kiwifruit makes it unsuitable for use in desserts containing milk because the enzyme absorbs milk proteins. It is largely consumed as fresh but it is also available in processed forms as juices, candies, dehydrated and lyophilized products. Although Kiwi is not a citrus fruit but it contains more Vitamin C than lemon. 100 grams of kiwi has around 93mg whereas same weight of lemon has only around 54mgs of vitamin c. Kiwis are a nutrient-dense food and low in calories. Kiwi is full of nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, folate, and potassium which is good for heart function . They also have a lot of antioxidants which keep our skin healthy. It helps prevent damage caused by the sun, pollution, and smoke and improves overall skin texture. It is also a rich source of fibre. The great amount of vitamin C present in kiwi helps treat people with asthma. The antioxidants help.
— By Ayesha Malik