Secretary Local Government (LG) Sindh RoshanAli Shaikh has directed to keep the cleanliness campaign continued in EidHolidays. Roshan Shaikh told the media that all the municipal and deputy commissionershave been instructed to take action against the relevant sanitationofficer if garbage irregularities found in their jurisdiction. He stressed the officials to clean every street, main roads, innerlanes, markets, residential societies and all the areas without anydiscrimination and laziness, “Special Attention should be given to areas around mosques, churches,hospitals, markets and residential areas. Provided precautionarymeasures are a must as usual for all the sanitary staff.” The Secretary LG Sind directed the municipal commissioners to keep onmonitoring the cleanliness activities personally in their respectiveareas. “No place should be seen unclean during and after the Eid holidays. Takestrict actions against the people responsible for burning and spreadingthe garbage.” RoshanShaikh urged the officials to submit him the progress report ondaily basis.