IT is unfortunate that our political parties do not spare even sensitive issues to play politics on. The same has been witnessed in Kulbhushan Jadhav case ever since the promulgation of an ordinance which allows him to file a review petition against his conviction and sentence. A few days back, the session of National Assembly saw fiery speeches both from the opposition and treasury benches with the former accusing the government of trying to grant an NRO to the Indian spy while the latter berated the PML (N) for opting to go to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) during its tenure.
On Friday, Minister for Law and Justice Farogh Naseem very comprehensively addressed the questions raised by the opposition parties saying the ordinance has been brought to fulfil requirement of the ICJ judgment, which, had directed Pakistan to provide consular access to Kulbhushan as well as an opportunity to him to file a review petition against his conviction. It is because of accepting the jurisdiction of ICJ in Kulbhushan Jadhav case that Pakistan will have to implement its decision now, and Farogh Naseem is right in saying if Pakistan had not promulgated the ordinance, this would have afforded an opportunity to India to unleash a propaganda campaign against Pakistan at the world level that it is not respecting the judgment of the international court and that the sanctions be slapped against it. Thus with the ordinance, our government has foiled the Indian designs and as put by the Law Minister axed its hands. Therefore, we will ask the opposition parties to act responsibly and avoid playing politics on such an important and sensitive issue. There is a confessional statement of Kulbhushan Jadhav in which he has admitted the crimes he committed on Pakistani soil to destabilize the country. Thus any review petition, we understand, will not change anything on the ground rather it will provide us another opportunity to once again narrate to the world as to how India is involved in acts of terrorism in Pakistan. Then hanging to death the spy after all the legal processes will amount to teaching a firm lesson to New Delhi that Islamabad will never ever make any compromise on its security.