Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has voiced frustration over his inability to remove vice chancellors implicated in sexual harassment cases, despite exhaustive attempts. He also highlighted concerns surrounding a vice chancellor who unlawfully withdrew funds for a visiting French team’s travel expense, even though the team had already financed their trip. At the 4th Research & Technology Showcase 2025, held by the Sindh Higher Education Commission (Sindh HEC) on Wednesday, Shah delivered a stern warning to vice chancellors at universities facing protests, urging them to dismantle such unrest or face accountability.
The event showcased the innovative work of 41 universities in Sindh, presenting 417 pioneering research projects and highlighting the region’s potential in technology and research. Shah explained that vice chancellor appointments are made through a Search Committee, with a PhD being the minimum qualification. He stressed the pressing need for administrative experience as part of these roles. “Given the dire administrative conditions in public sector universities, which are on the verge of collapse, the cabinet decided to amend the law to include a requirement for administrative experience, and this bill has been referred to the assembly,” he stated.
The Chief Minister noted that some vice chancellors are instigating protests against this amendment but reiterated the law’s application is clear. “I am warning the concerned vice chancellors to stop the protests in their universities; otherwise, I will hold you accountable,” he cautioned. Shah revealed that three vice chancellors, all equipped with PhDs and the requisite published research, were appointed through the Search Committee but became embroiled in sexual harassment allegations. “I attempted to remove them, but they obtained stay orders from the court, allowing them to remain in their positions until the completion of their tenure,” he lamented.
He further addressed the misconduct of another vice chancellor who used university funds for travel expenses despite the visiting team covering their costs independently, persisting in his post despite these serious issues. “These are the main reasons we are amending the law – to establish safeguards because our children deserve the best vice chancellors who know how to effectively run universities and secure the nation’s future,” he asserted.
The proposed law does not exclude PhDs and professors from serving as vice chancellors but does necessitate that they compete with other candidates. Shah raised concerns about a recent letter from the federal HEC, which he claimed incited protests by leaking its contents to the media before its official release. During his speech at the conference, the CM highlighted the critical need for Pakistan to reduce its dependency on foreign products by nurturing local solutions.
“A country achieves prosperity by transforming ideas into practical achievements,” he commented, emphasizing the economic strain of excessive imports and calling for investment in innovations that directly address domestic challenges. He acknowledged the contributions of the Sindh HEC, praising its funding initiatives and faculty development programs, and urged universities to bolster partnerships with industry. “Our universities must support students and researchers in developing practical solutions to immediate local issues. This is the mindset we need to cultivate,” he remarked. Additionally, he commended the collaboration between Sindh HEC and the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI), led by FPCCI Vice President Saquib Fayyaz Magoon, which aims to present innovative projects to industry players for commercial opportunities. Speaking directly to the young researchers and innovators at the event, Shah emphasized their crucial role in shaping the future of Sindh and Pakistan. “You have the power to transform lives and strengthen our nation with each innovation,” he encouraged, urging them to take pride in their societal contributions.
The chief minister reaffirmed the Sindh government’s strong commitment to enhancing higher education and community development through the effective application of knowledge, concluding with an uplifting message: “May today’s showcase inspire us all to aim higher and achieve greater milestones.” The event brought together diplomats, vice-chancellors, researchers, and industry leaders, all united by the goal of strengthening the link between academia and industry, thereby fostering economic growth and technological advancement in Sindh.