UBL Ameen has signed Memorandums of Understanding(MOU) with Indus Hospital and Health Network (IHHN), Child Life Foundation, The Citizens Foundation (TCF) and Akhuwat, institutions which are serving humanity in the field of Health, Infant Care, Education and Employment respectively.
This collaboration stemmed from the launch of “UBL Ameen Esaar Account” which is a one of its kind Islamic liability product that not only caters to banking requirements of consumer, but also contributes to the welfare of society.
UBL Ameen has designed Esaar Account to incentivize the customer for contribution to humanitarian causes. The Bank sponsors free of cost Takaful plan for securing risk of Income loss due to Death or Accidental /permanent disability of accountholder for succeeding 12 months in addition to Reimbursement of Medical Expenditure as a token of gratitude.
The idea behind contribution for the sake of welfare of society is that the bank allocates a certain amount from its own pocket, based on the balance maintained in the account by the customer, and distribute among above-mentioned four organizations for onwards spending among deserving people.